Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing:What is it?

In the world of online marketing there are a number of strategies that have been developed over the years that are strategies that are tried, tested and true when it comes to starting a home business. The only caveat that should be added to that statement is that some business marketing strategies will only work for certain niches, whereas others are good strategies to pursue in general. There are a couple of strategies that people use when they want to get their business off to a roaring start and these strategies can certainly have a much better chance of doing that than anything else currently being used as a marketing strategy so long as you do it right. These two strategies are known as affiliate marketing and network marketing. Take a look below to see what they can do for you!

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is absolutely the best way to get your business off to a strong start and this is primarily because you are leveraging the work of others and the time that they will spend to promote your business for you. In affiliate marketing, people that have nothing to do with your company, your business or your product will sell your product on your behalf in exchange for getting a cut of the profits. For example, on a major affiliate marketing website like Clickbank a typical product that is sold for $50 might give anywhere between $20 and $40 of that money to the affiliate that inspired the sale. This allows you to market on your own (for the full $50 per product) as well as enlist the help of others on the terms that you only pay them when they make a sale.

Some affiliate marketing programs will also allow your affiliates to recruit other affiliates to help out and this means that in addition to giving the affiliate that makes the sale a cut of the profits, a much smaller cut of the profits would also go to the affiliate that brought them into the product sale. This is also known as multi-level marketing and if you are someone that wants no part of multi-level marketing, it is important that you register your product either with an affiliate service that does not use it (like Clickbank for example) or that you simply do your own affiliate program on your own terms without help from any of the major affiliate services.

Network Marketing

Network marketing is very similar to affiliate marketing in the sense that network marketing allows you to recruit people to sell your products for you. The difference between network marketing and affiliate marketing is that network marketing usually has multiple products and multiple levels, whereas affiliate marketing usually refers to one product and one level. Network marketing is much more appropriate if you are planning to create a line of products that you would like people to sell and therefore building up your network of salesmen at the same time that you are creating the product lines is a good idea.

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