Monday, August 11, 2008

How much of a genius do you have to be?

Dear Friend,

Ever wonder how much of a genius you have to be for your
marketing know how to pay off for you?

Here's a story that reveals the answer.

Today I ran into the lady who runs my local computer
repair shop.

"That banner you told me to put up WORKED! I've gotten 5
jobs from it just this week," referring to the big yellow
banner outside the shop reading "Virus Removal Experts."

Now, actually, the headline I gave her was along the lines
of "Viruses Removed -- Guaranteed!"

Or something like that.

But what she's running is working, so I ain't tellin' her
to change it anytime soon.

Flash back in time to 3 weeks earlier. We were talking
about how she could get more customers.

Drawing on my vast storehouse of marketing wisdom, I
inquired, "What's the #1 best seller you got around here?"

"Virus removal," she snapped back.

"See that blank spot on the sign out front? Will they let
you put anything on that?"

She replied with a skeptical tone, "Well, you'd have to
PAY for that. But they will let me hang a banner up."

Being the marketing genius I am, I replied, "How 'bout you
put somethin' up there on a yellow your
viruses Removed -- Guaranteed!

"...or perhaps....Viruses Removed in 48 Hours --

"Or...Free Virus Analysis."

I spouted off some blatantly obvious stuff like that
anyone with any knowledge of and skill in headlines
whatsoever coulda come up with.

Anyway, she put the yellow banner up with the relatively
lame "virus removal experts." And it paid off in spades.

"Next time you come in, your repair is free," she offered

Now, you may be thinking that all the money you spend on
ebooks, courses and so forth is a waste if you don't start
a business.

Look at it this way.

You can get a lot of free stuff like computer repair, dry
cleaning or whatever...Just by having the most basic,
simple understanding of marketing.

Anyway, I popped by later and showed her how to run an
editorial style ad dropping into a hotline followed up by
a series of letters ala Dan Kennedy/Jeff Paul model.

Again, this ain't rocket science stuff.

You shoulda seen her eyes light up.

Then I came up with a back end for her since her profit
margin is horrible.

And if you've studied headlines a little and know just the
basics of lead generation, you pretty much coulda done the

How much of a genius do you gotta be to come up with a
headline like:

"What will YOU do when your wife, kids and friends see
P-O-R-N popup on YOUR computer? We get if off FAST!
Guaranteed. Or it's free."

See, all this marketing stuff might end up not bein' a
waste for you after all.

Fact is, with a little direct response knowledge, you can
appear to be a genius to a LOT of businesses.

Best Wishes,

P.S. If you think I'm a genius for coming up with the
stuff above, you need to go through the Cash Like
Clockwork System.

Check out:

Friday, August 8, 2008

Make Decisions Based On Facts Not Emotions

Running a business can be fun, but many successful business owners have come to a tough realization that in a business environment, they have no friends. They have employees that are dedicated to the company and they may have customers that are loyal, but the bottom line of the business is the prime concern they have to watch. One of the biggest obstacles they face in the day to day business operations is their own emotions and they need to leave them at home when they head for the office.

For instance, a business owner is approached by their financial expert who tells them they have to cut half of their workers loose in order to meet expenses. This can be an emotional time for the owner as on one hand, many of the workers are loyal to the company and are very productive. On the other hand the company needs to be able to run leaner to make ends meet.

Simply based on the emotions of keeping the business operating, the solution may seem obvious in cutting half the workforce. However, before making that call the owner needs to look at all the facts and not just the financial ones. Questions need to be asked such as how long will this lack of income last? If we layoff employees, how much will be spent on unemployment compensation? What are other options in cutting expenses, such as is the finance guy really necessary?

If half of the workforce is let go, what will be the effect on productivity and customer service and will the remaining employees be able to handle everything without the additional help? After thoroughly understanding all of the available options and the effects of instituting any suggested changes it is found that half will need to be let go, then that is the right decision for everyone.

Decisions have to be based on how the outcome will affect everyone involved and not just the ones being laid off. Sure, it is a tough decision but one of the responsibilities of a business owner is being able to make the tough calls, knowing it is the right one for the business as well as for the remaining workers. Unfortunately, there is no hard and fast rule about which employees will need to go away. Seniority may be the deciding factor, but some businesses use productivity instead.

For example, a new hire may produce as much or more as an employee with several years experience, the new hire may be a better fit. Owners should never look at payroll as a deciding factor as getting rid of some of the higher paid, long-term employees is also getting rid of loyalty as well as experience.

The decision should be based on who can offer the most to the business, a decision based on facts rather than the emotions of who needs the job more. From a cold fact point of view, if the worker needs the job that bad, they have probably been a consistently hard, productive asset to the company.
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running Internet business opportunity in existence?
Because it works!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing:What is it?

In the world of online marketing there are a number of strategies that have been developed over the years that are strategies that are tried, tested and true when it comes to starting a home business. The only caveat that should be added to that statement is that some business marketing strategies will only work for certain niches, whereas others are good strategies to pursue in general. There are a couple of strategies that people use when they want to get their business off to a roaring start and these strategies can certainly have a much better chance of doing that than anything else currently being used as a marketing strategy so long as you do it right. These two strategies are known as affiliate marketing and network marketing. Take a look below to see what they can do for you!

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is absolutely the best way to get your business off to a strong start and this is primarily because you are leveraging the work of others and the time that they will spend to promote your business for you. In affiliate marketing, people that have nothing to do with your company, your business or your product will sell your product on your behalf in exchange for getting a cut of the profits. For example, on a major affiliate marketing website like Clickbank a typical product that is sold for $50 might give anywhere between $20 and $40 of that money to the affiliate that inspired the sale. This allows you to market on your own (for the full $50 per product) as well as enlist the help of others on the terms that you only pay them when they make a sale.

Some affiliate marketing programs will also allow your affiliates to recruit other affiliates to help out and this means that in addition to giving the affiliate that makes the sale a cut of the profits, a much smaller cut of the profits would also go to the affiliate that brought them into the product sale. This is also known as multi-level marketing and if you are someone that wants no part of multi-level marketing, it is important that you register your product either with an affiliate service that does not use it (like Clickbank for example) or that you simply do your own affiliate program on your own terms without help from any of the major affiliate services.

Network Marketing

Network marketing is very similar to affiliate marketing in the sense that network marketing allows you to recruit people to sell your products for you. The difference between network marketing and affiliate marketing is that network marketing usually has multiple products and multiple levels, whereas affiliate marketing usually refers to one product and one level. Network marketing is much more appropriate if you are planning to create a line of products that you would like people to sell and therefore building up your network of salesmen at the same time that you are creating the product lines is a good idea.

Hence,if you are looking for a Net Marketing that will help in teaching you and as well enriching your pocket,look no further as you have found one that is tested and have withstand time.Follow the link below and you will be on your way to achieving the Goal you set.Take Action Today!

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Learning To Be Happy By Working From Home

Often, it is hard for someone to learn to be happy. This is something that is at the root of many people's problems because they are simply unable to learn how to be happy. Happiness is something that is difficult for a lot of people to track down. Learning to be happy is a goal that lots of people can reach.

When it comes right down to it, everyone has the chance to learn to be happy. The idea of happiness is something that must come to each person separately. This is because happiness is not a uniform thing. It is something that each person must discover on their own.

The first step to learning to be happy is trying to figure out where your actual unhappiness lies. This is an important part. Maybe you hate your office job. Often times, people are unhappy and they really have no idea why. This is something that happens to a lot of people. When they are not aware of the things that are going to make them unhappy, they have more of a tendency to think that everything around them is making them this way. This is often where people end up believing that their entire lives are in trouble.

In order to avoid this, what you need to focus on is each part of your life. The best way for you to do this is to stop looking at your life as a whole picture for just a short amount of time. Learning to be happy is something that is a process. Working from home can help you get that happiness you long for. The first part of the process is breaking down each of the parts of your life and evaluating all of them. You want to take some time to look at each of the parts of your life and decide which parts are good and which are not. Remember that you should include everything about your life in this evaluation. Everything from your job to your car should be evaluated.

Then, you will be able to make some decisions. When you are able to see what is making you unhappy, you can decide which things in your life are worth changing. Some of the things that you find will be easy to change. The things that you are not going to be able to change are all going to be things that you have to learn to deal with. However ,when you can break down all of the things that might be making you happy or unhappy, it will be much easier to decide which things you can change and which things you can deal with.

When it comes time for you to decide upon the things that you need to change and the things that you need to deal with, you can begin the process of actually being happy.
Increase your wealth today! Why join the longest
running Internet business opportunity in existence?
Because it works!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Learning The Secret To Internet Success

How many times have you seen the sales pitch that someone has unlocked the secret to internet success? Probably more than once. Now for a fee, they want to share the secret with you. Why? To get your money, of course and in order to get your money back, you can share the same secret with others. Consider how many people now have that secret and you can begin to wonder how many people are left in the dark.

In reality, there is no secret to achieving internet success. It takes hard work and a complete understanding of how making money on the internet works. It begins by having a product or service that people want or need and are willing to pay for it and continues with how you get the word out that you have it for sale. Prior to the explosion of internet use, it was called advertising and for all intents and purposes, the same methods used then are used today to make sales.

The internet however has made it possible for people to sell things without actually delivering what you have paid for and too many people fall into the trap. No person of reasonable intelligence will send someone money expecting nothing in return, but there are some folks who will send out money hoping they get something back. When it does not happen, they chalk it up to experience and look for something else. If you are that type of person, there are a lot of people in the world who would be willing to sell you a bridge or two. Don't worry. You can get your money back by reselling the bridge to someone else.

If that sounds far fetched, consider some of the offers you have received in your in box. You can spend a lot of time reading the email and then click on to their website and read some more, never really knowing exactly what you will receive when you send in your money. After you pay the fee, you may receive an instant download explaining how you too, can convince others to send you money. You then send out the same email selling others the exact same information.

Very similar to sending a self-address stamped envelope and a couple of dollars to learn how to make money stuffing envelopes. You receive instructions on how to place the same advertisement inviting others to send you a couple of buck in a self-addressed stamped envelope so you can send them the same information. And the offers continue to be advertised, but few complain because after all it was only a couple of bucks.

The real secret to making money on the internet is there is no secret. It is done the same way as it has been done for centuries. Delivering on promises of goods or services and treating your customers with the respect they deserve will provide an income whether online or off line. Goods and services sell far better than promises.
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running Internet business opportunity in existence?
Because it works!