Thursday, July 10, 2008

Business Mentorship

For the first post on this Blog let's take a brief look at "Business Mentorship" because the importance of mentoring in business cannot be over-emphasize.

A business mentorship is perhaps the most vital expense you will incur in the early days of your small business’ existence. Sure, you might find that the shoestring budget you are on precludes this kind of expense, but if you are honest with yourself, you know that you must – at all costs – invest in a mentoring relationship that will help you traverse the oftentimes treacherous waters of small business start up.

To this end, a corporate business mentorship is the answer the entrepreneur is looking for when it comes to separating from others who are also trying to start up a business. Perhaps it is the notion that you know there is more you can do, but you are simply not quite sure what it is and how to go about it, or you have hired a consultant to help you with some nuts and bolts and even though you want to put into practice the suggestions offered – for which you most likely paid a substantial amount of money – you are uncertain how to do so.

Challenges such as these must be weathered by the individual entrepreneur and your small business depends on your ability to meet them head on and to rise to them, quite often before they are even fully developed! At the same time, your continuous improvement of business performance and you ability to recognize those who can help you in business and foster these relationships also requires some training. Do not forget that a small business owner very often wears more than one hat and as such time is a premium commodity you will have very little of. How you stretch it and make it work to your advantage and yield the maximum return on investment is in large part determined by your natural business acumen.

A business mentorship can make up for the business acumen you might have failed to receive with your genes and instead it is a training relationship that does not necessarily tell you how to do what you want to do, but how to become the visionary who not only recognizes the opportunity but also innately knows how to respond to it. In a day and age where waiting is the one luxury a small business entrepreneur cannot afford, it is crucial to know exactly how to respond in certain situations and this is where a business mentorship will not only offer the most advantage for an entrepreneur, but it may have the power to prevent your business from making costly mistakes.

Business mentoring very often may be purchased and the online marketplace is abuzz with professionals willing and able to offer their services. Rather than discounting them as opportunist, recognize that these business mentorship offers are bona fide methods of taking care of business and as such you will be wise to join the ranks of those professionals who have already taken advantage of the unbiased help of a third party and in the process of doing so are growing their companies by leaps and bounds.
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